Terms & Conditions

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1: I understand that the terms and conditions of service are a part of the contract between me (us) and the service provider, PCSWORLD and its parent company AASHUMA TECHNOLOGIES PVT. LTD.

2: I have gone through the website/application form/letter of acceptance of the college or university, and have understood the terms and conditions mentioned therein especially with regard to fee details and refund policies.

3: I am aware that the tuition fee is payable directly to the college/university, and it may not be refundable once the study-permit (visa) is granted. Still, if I decide not to proceed abroad after receiving my study-permit, then I am aware that a refund of the tuition fee can only be made as per the refund policy of the university/college. I accept that PCSWORLD and its parent company are not responsible for getting me full refunds.

4: I know the complete address of the college/university, I am aware about the state, province and area in which the institution is located. I have done proper homework on the climatic conditions of country. I am prepared mentally and physically to cope up with the social and cultural environment of the said country.

5: I declare that all my documents are authentic, and the respective board/college/university awarded the educational certificates and mark sheets to me. I further declare that if any of the certificates/documents submitted by me are found to be false/forged then I shall be solely responsible for the same. The college/university will have the full right to cancel my enrolment, forfeit the fees paid, and have the authorities revoke my study-permit (visa). Further, I understand that submitting false and fabricated documents to gain admission and study-permit is a penal offence under the law.

6: I understand that it is my responsibility to submit complete documents for study-permit (visa) processing, and I undertake to submit the same at the given time. I declare that in the event of my failure to submit the required documents in time, I shall be solely responsible, and no other person/company/Institution shall be responsible for the same.

7: I declare and undertake to pay any differential fee for not submitting the documents in time. PCSWORLD and its parent company are not responsible for the dealy in study-permit (visa) application processing or the deferment of university intake date. Hence, if required, my intake may be shifted to the next intake if available. However, there is no guarantee of a placement, and I agree to pay the difference in fee and the deferment fee, if required.

8: I understand that PCSWORLD is a consulting company and does not have the authority to grant a visa of any kind. It can only assist and advice students who want to study abroad. The final decision on admission and all study-permit (visa) applications rests with the respective High Commission/Embassy. I shall not hold PCSWORLD responsible for anything relating to my visa and admission, and shall not claim any compensation/damages before any court of law/authorities. I hereby indemnify PCSWORLD and its parent company AASHUMA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD from any liability or consequences in the above said matter.

9: I accept that the IELTS and any other mandatory or optional exam registration, admission & study-permit applications, medicals, air ticket booking, airport pickup and accommodation search shall be my responsibility at my costs only. However, on my request, PCSWORLD may, at its discretion, provide me necessary help in arranging the above. I shall be responsible for payment of all charges as above.

10: I also undertake that I shall be responsible for payment of all fees, Govt. taxes and additional fees, if any, charged by the university at the time of visa filing.

11: I undertake that I do not have visa rejection for the intended study destination in any visa category (student, visitor, spouse, dependent etc). If the answer is Yes, then I have submitted visa rejection letter to PCSWORLD.

12: I undertake that I do not have a visa rejection for any other country in any visa category (student, visitor, spouse, dependent etc). If the answer is YES on the above, then I have declared the name of the country and attached the visa rejection letter of the same.

13: I accept that PCSWORLD is assisting me in obtaining a study-permit. I shall be bound by the rules and regulations relating to the student visa of the respective country. I state and declare that I alone, and no other person, shall be responsible for any violation of condition relating to grant of visa.

14: I accept that registration/consulting charges paid to PCSWORLD and its parent company AASHUMA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD are fully refundable if the registration is cancelled within the free-look period of ten days from the date of payment. However, after a free-look period, the company at its sole discretion can partially refund the registration/consulting charges under extraordinary circumstances like an unforeseen medical condition, war or natural calamity.

15: I hereby indemnify PCSWORLD and its parent company AASHUMA TECHNOLOGIES PVT LTD from any liability or consequences concerning this contract of service.

16: I have carefully read, and accept the terms & conditions of contract, and I agree to be bound by them.

Note : All or any disputes arising out or touching upon or in relation to the terms and conditions shall be settled amicably by mutual discussion, failing which the same shall be settled through the arbitration or adjudication process. All disputes are subject to Uttarakhand jurisdiction only.